Volodymyr Groisman: Baptism determined further development of Ukraine

Volodymyr Groisman: Baptism determined further development of Ukraine

Baptism of Kievan Rus was an epoch-making event that determined the further development of the Ukrainian state and its place among the European nations.

It was emphasized by Volodymyr Groisman, Prime Minister of Ukraine, in his congratulatory message on the occasion of the anniversary of the Baptism of Kievan Rus-Ukraine.

According to him, along with Baptism, the Kyivan princes established the statehood, which became one of most successful in the then Europe.

"Thanks to the adoption of Christianity, Prince Volodymyr the Great, for millenniums, secured the entrance of Kyiv to European civilization, created conditions for the formation of a unique socio-cultural space, which was and remains an integral part of Europe," the head of the Cabinet emphasized. And added: "Let the choice made become a guarantee of our success too and inspires all Ukrainians for new accomplishments!"