In Ukraine, 80 thousand people suffer from AIDS

In Ukraine, 80 thousand people suffer from AIDS

"Today is the World AIDS Day: 79949 HIV-infected people are treated in Ukraine, all of whom receive antiretroviral therapy and live a full-fledged life," she said.

However, according to UN AIDS, more than 100,000 HIV-infected people in Ukraine are not yet aware of their diagnosis. HIV-positive diagnosis for the first time is detected in more than 50% of people aged 15 years only at the 3rd and 4th clinical stage when the state of health is already unsatisfactory. Terrible statistics confirm that among the deceased, 80% were young - 25 - 49 years old.

To overcome the AIDS epidemic in Ukraine, today's state policy is to ensure equal access to testing and counseling, and timely providing care, support and antiretroviral therapy services to people.